What is Centum?
Watch Gang Centum is an exclusive, invite-only program extended to members who have been identified as Watch Gang VIP's. Centum gives you access to deals you won't find anywhere else. The watches you receive have been hand-selected from among the top watchmakers in the world. We believe every watch will be an exciting addition to your collection, and possibly your new grail.
Unlike our monthly subscriptions, Centum is available on a very limited basis and in equally limited quantities. When specialty product can be secured at competitive cost and quantity, we unlock Centum for short periods of time to our most prestigious members.
Previous Centum Examples
Who is Centum for?
Centum is geared towards the serious watch collector or watch connoisseur. Those who want to expand their collection of designer luxury watches. Who love to splurge on watches and show off their latest find. These are watches that you plan to keep, not trade.
What about Events and Giveaways?
Centum members are entered to win the weekly Rolex and TAG giveaways each week during the month of the Centum deliveries. Plus, get the same access to exclusive events, including all Wheel events and CEO Sweepstakes.